We’re Back!!! Rizzaknits The lovely, though headless model, is wearing a beret, scarves, cardigan, and sweater. All are original designs by Cassondra Rizzardi. If the model had hands, she would also be wearing gloves. The "We Were the Seeds" shawl The "Equinox" scarf Each of Cassondra's designs centers in a related story. The "We Were the Seeds" shawl starts with sprouts (seed stitch), grows into roots (cables), and sprouts leaves (lace). It is pollinated (bee stitch) and blooms (floral). As with any plant, it needs to be well watered (blocking). Her "Rope the Moon" shawl was inspired by a warm childhood memory of her father's love for his daughters. He said he would do anything for them, even "rope the moon". And he did in a very clever way. The "Committed" shawl requires a commitment to complete, or is is that you should be committed? The "Walk the Block" knit...
Bring your knitting and join us for an evening — we’re sure you’ll want to become part of the flock!