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Showing posts from February, 2009

did ewe know...

that Rita Perrone & Heather Perrone are mother and daughter? what was your first project & when? Rita ~ I think my first project was a scarf for my then high school boyfriend. Heather ~ an endless scarf when I was young. what was/is your most difficult project? Rita ~ the Corset Tank Top is certainly the most frustrating project. I startedit a number of times when I found a mistake I couldn't fix, frogged & began again... Heather ~ usually the project I'm currently working on what was/is your favorite project? Rita ~ I think the Fetchings I made as gifts this Christmas. Heather ~ usually the project I'm currently working on salty or sweet? Rita ~ sweet of course. Chocolate rules. Heather ~ yes. tell us something interesting about yourself Rita ~ I'm a mechanical engineer who loves to travel. Heather ~ I took up spinning 10 or more years before I really started to knit or crochet. aside from knitting, what are you passionate about? Rita ~ I'...
Thank you from Judith to all who signed up and volunteered time in the Knit Michigan learn to knit room. The area was larger this year and there were a lot of people to teach knitting and crocheting. There were more vendors this year and the silent auction had lots of items, from yarn to books to finished garments. City Knits from Grand Rapids had Yarn Hollow, Black Sheep Forever, our very own Kim W. creation. The program last night was embellishments. Linda Dean presented crochet embellishments, Suzanne Jones taught needlefelting, Stacey Totzke taught beading and Nancy Brown presented thrums. Our members are very talented and willing to share! In addition, Judith collected premie hats and blankets from Black Sheep to be delivered to Providence Hospital.
Don't forget! We meet Tuesday, February 10 , from 7 to 9 pm at St. Columban Church. Doors open at 6:30 p.m . Use this extra half hour to arrive and sign in, buy raffle tickets, socialize and catch up with your friends before the meeting begins at 7 p.m. Embellishments is the program for the evening. We have invited guild members to present a knitting or crochet skill or embellishment that can be taught in 15 minutes. A number of learning stations will be set up around the room. Members who wish to participate will gather at a particular station, learn the skill presented and then move to the next station. It will be a fun evening, with great skills being shared by the following BSKG members: 1. Crochet embellishment presented by Linda Dean 2. Needlefelting presented by Suzanne Jones 3. Beading presented by Stacey Totzke 4. Thrums presented by Nancy Brown This is a demo only evening, so come prepared to watch, learn and enjoy! No supplies necessary. Happy Birthday to our Februar...