posted by Kathy Stasys The November 10th Black Sheep Guild meeting welcomed four new members to the flock. We are growing! Kate P. generously donated many great items for the monthly raffle. The second infinity cowl from the retreat was also raffled off. We heard reports from the committee chairs, but we are still in need of a chairperson for the Events and Field trips committee. Interested? Tell Donna or Kathy. The orders for this year's swag were due this month. Kate P. designed the fabric and Tanya T. is sewing the bags. They should be completed in January. It has turned out to be a very popular item. In November, of course, the guild members vote for a new vice-president. The nominees were Tracy K. and Vangie A. and the voting results will be announced at the December meeting. One of the most popular events of the year also takes place in November when we do the Brown Bag Swap. Since "stealing" is allowed, it makes the evening more fun. Ask Erika. Next ...
Bring your knitting and join us for an evening — we’re sure you’ll want to become part of the flock!