The November meeting was very busy, what with the election, brown bag swap and lots of show and share. Many of the flock were in attendance, along with four new members and three guests. The candidates for Vice President, Merritt Collins and Kathy Stasys, gave an informative talk about themselves, and then voting ensued. The results will be announced at the December meeting. As usual, Chris Hamel did a fine job with lots of really great raffle prizes. The prizes were donated by Kathleen Endlein, Katy Koelb, Erika Proschkow, Rita Perrone, and Kathy Rasmussen. And the winners were Joan Koelsch, Merritt Collins, Heather Perrone, Joan Brown, Tina Noel (guest), Pat Kreiling, and Dawn Jensen. The big event of the night was the Mystery Trade/Brown Bag Swap. Thirty-five brown bags with mystery knit-related items, what could be more fun. Lots of surprises as bags were opened, coveted gifts were stolen snatched - it was that ...
Bring your knitting and join us for an evening — we’re sure you’ll want to become part of the flock!